
Jalil Medicals

Dressing Set Small

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

3   5x5cm Nonowoven Swabs

3   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

2   Disposable Forceps

1   Two Compartment Tray Size 1

Dressing Set Medium

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   40x40cm Sterile Paper Wrap

5   7.5×7.5cm Nonowoven Swabs

5   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

4   Disposable Forceps

1   Two Compartment Tray Size 2

 Dressing Set Large

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   50x50cm Sterile Paper Wrap

5   10x10cm Nonowoven Swabs

10   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

4   Disposable Forceps

1   20x20cm AD Pads

1   Dressing Towel

1   Three Compartment Tray Size 3

Dressing Set Large

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   100x100cm Sterile Paper Wrap

1   150x150cm Overwrap/Trolley Cover

1   90×150 com Abdominal drap

1     75x130cm Underbuttock Drape with 20cm cuff & 45×75 cm fabric reinforcement

1   Baby Wrap 80x60cm

1   Umbilical Cord Clamp

2   10x20cm AD Pads

2   Dressing Towels

2   10cm Nonwoven Swabs

2   Maternity Pads

30   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

1   Disposable Bag with Tie

1   Placenta Basin

1   60ml Gallipot

2   Receiving Basin

Vulval Tiolet Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1 40x40cm P.E Sterile Field

10 Large Cotton Swabs

1 Tongue Depressor

2 10cm Nonwoven Swabs

1 Disposable Bag with Tie

1 Two Compartment Tray Size 2

Oral Hygiene Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1 40x40cm P.E Sterile Field

10 Large Cotton Swabs

1 Tongue Depressor

2 10cm Nonwoven Swabs

1 Disposable Bag with Tie

1 Two Compartment Tray Size 2

Haemodialysis Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1 50x50cm Sterile Paper Wrap

2 60x45cm Drape

5 7.5×7.5cm Nonowoven Swabs

5 5x5cm Nonowoven Swabs

10 0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

1 Disposable Forceps

4 6x5cm Stretch

5 10×2.5cm Stretch

1 Two Compartment Tray Size 1

Catheterisation Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   Dressing Towel

1   Disposable Forceps

1   Disposable Container

1   Fenestrated Drape 75×45 cm

1   Plain Drape 75×45 cm

2   Latex Gloves Medium

1   25ml Tisept

5   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

1  50x50cm Sterile Wrap

5   10x10cm Nonowoven Swabs

1   3 Compartment Tray size 3

Fistula Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   50x50cm Sterile Paper Wrap

5   7.5×7.5cm Nonowoven Swabs

6   0.5g Cotton Wool Balls

1   40x60cm Drape Absorbent

4   6x5cm Stretch

5   10×2.5cm Stretch

3   Disposable Forceps

1   Two Compartment Tray Size 2

Suture Removal Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

1   Two Compartment Tray Size 

1   Disposable Forceps

1   40×40 cm P.E Wrap

1   Stitch Cutter

1   Stainless Steel Stitch Cutter

3   5x5cm Nonowoven Swabs

Shave Preparation Set

Packed in Sterile Satchel bag

Specimen Container

Umblical Cord Clamp

Umblical cord clamp(Packed in Sterile Satchel bag)

Disposable foreceps

Petri Dishes

Specimen Container

Oinment Container